
segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Homenagem ao camaleão db DAVID BOWIE em sua viagem ao infinito

2 comentários:

  1. I have just discovered your blog while searching for a few Bowie recordings that I don't have. What a great selection of music you have posted! I am old enough to have been around when all of this music was new and played during my teenage and early adult years. I am fanatical enough about music to still love much of it and appreciate the memories and experiences that are afforded me by listening to it again and, best of all, replacing my decades-old vinyl with quality mp3s that aren't scratchy or worn!. Thank you for all of the time and effort you expend in providing it.

    Regrettably. I can only read and understand some Portuguese, so I have to respond in English. So I'll leave this comment by writing "muito obrigado" and wishing you continued success in maintaining this blog. It has been a joy to discover it.

  2. Glen Fry of the EAGLES passed away today


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